ISSN : 1229-5620(Print)
ISSN : 2288-7652(Online)
ISSN : 2288-7652(Online)
Literature and Religion Vol.22 No.3 pp.41-64
The Restoration of Fellowship in Your Paradise by Chung-jun Lee
The purpose of this paper is to examine an essential problem which rulers fail to realize while pursuing the construction of a paradise and the reason why Chung-jun Lee describes negative aspects of paradise and power in Your Paradise. In this novel, Lee questions what real paradise is. He makes readers realize that most rulers who want to construct a paradise with their power and will do not perceive their insensibility about freedom and love. The writer suggests a fundamental questions about how the rule mechanism works in Sorokdo. In the end of this novel the director of an institution, Baek-heon Jo, realizes the importance of individual freedom, fellowship, and horizontal relationships for the realization of positive value through his elder Hui-baek Hwang’s advice. After all, Jo and Hwang experience reconciliation and forgiveness through the formation of sympathy between them. In conclusion, Lee emphasizes love and freedom for maintaining a horizontal relationships and learns that the paradise can only be accomplished through mutual cooperation.