Editorial Board Guidelines
■ The Editorial Board Guidelines for The Korean Society for Literature and Religion ■
Established on August 1, 2007.
Chapter 1. General Provision
1. (Title) The committee is called the Editorial Board of the Korean Society for Literature and Religion (board hereafter).
Chapter 2. Organization
2. (Members) The board consists of about 15 members including the Editor-in-Chief. In addition, the committee organizes and operates a committee for the development of the journal and another committee for the monthly study group to promote the advancement of the journal.
3. (Editor-in-Chief) The Editor-in-Chief is separately elected by the meeting of the past and current presidents and one's term is five years to guarantee one's independence of publication activities. In order to secure professionalism and stability of the journal, one may serve the Editor-in-Chief consecutive terms unless one has grounds for disqualification.
(1) (Qualification of the Editor-in-Chief) The Editor-in-Chief must be a lifetime member of the KSLR who has successfully served the Society as a Journal Editor and General Secretary for a certain period of time. He must hold a tenure-track full professorship at the college level.
(2) (Conditions of the Editor-in-Chief) The Editor-in-Chief must be able to write academic writing in English in accordance with MLA to meet the global standardized publication purpose of the journal.
4. (Editorial Board Members)
(1) President and Editor-in-Chief appoint editorial board members among secretaries and/or members with excellent academic accomplishment. Their term is two years. In order to secure professionalism and stability of the journal, one may serve as an editorial board member consecutive terms unless one has grounds for disqualification.
(2) Editorial board members are selected based on their a) academic research accomplishment, b) academic activities, c) contribution to the KSLR, d) contribution to their academic fields and e) regional distribution. If one serves as an editorial board member for three or more academic journals, one will not be appointed.
Chapter 3. Function
5. The editorial board determines the system, number of publications, pages, review standard and criteria, and submission guidelines of Literature and Religion.
6. (Review) The Editor-in-Chief selects reviewers for submitted manuscripts among the editorial board members and/or experts in specific majors and requests them to review the manuscripts. The editorial meeting consisted of the Editor-in-Chief and editorial directors decide if the manuscripts will be published based on the reviewers' evaluation.
7. All the issues voted except for the manuscript review guidelines by the editorial board will take effect after approval of the board of directors.
Chapter 4. Meeting
8. (Editorial Board Meeting) The Editor-in-Chief convenes regular meetings in time for publication of the journal. If necessary, the Editor-in-Chief may convene an on-line meeting.
9. (Quorum for Voting) The Editor-in-Chief, the Chair of Research Ethics Board, the Journal Editors, and the Editorial Board members should attend Editorial Board meetings. A decision is made by more than half of the members present .
Chapter 5. Review Criteria for Manuscripts
10. (Appropriateness) Manuscripts should be academic and professional in the scope of academic research of literature and religion.
11. Manuscripts should contain new and creative ideas that have not been published in any other domestic and international journals.
12. (Adequacy) Manuscripts should be written in an adequate form in accordance with the submission guidelines and publication guidelines of the journal.
13. (Appropriateness of Organization and Progress) Manuscripts should be appropriate with regards to the logical organization and progress in the area of literature and religious studies.
14. (Adequacy of Research Methods) Procedures of presentation of research issues, research design and result analysis should be appropriate to each respective research method.
Chapter 6. Manuscript Review Process
15. (Submission and Preliminary Review) The submitter should submit one's manuscript along with the manuscript publication application 60 days prior to the publication date. The Editorial Board will conduct a preliminary review of the manuscript.
16. (Request for Review) The Editor-in-Chief organizes the submitted manuscripts with respect to their academic fields, then selects reviewers and sends them the "manuscript evaluation report" form and the check list for the research ethics. The Editor-in-Chief allocates three or more reviewers per a submitted manuscript and sends them the manuscript after removing the submitter's name and affiliation to secure the fairness of reviewing process.
17. (Review) Each reviewer evaluates one's designated manuscript and evaluates it as 'published,' 'published with revisions,' 'reviewed upon revisions' and 'rejected.' A reviewer must write one's basis of evaluation in details. Especially when the reviewer suggests correction, one should clearly write and inform the submitter of what to correct.
18. (Evaluation Report) A reviewer should prepare the general review, result and corrections to be made for the designated manuscript in accordance with the "manuscript evaluation report" form and send it to the Editor-in-Chief.
19. (Editorial Board Meeting) The Editor-in-Chief convenes an editorial board meeting to examine the reviewers' evaluation reports. When reviewers' evaluations are different (published including published with revisions vs. rejected including reviewed upon revisions), the editorial board decides if the respective manuscript will be published upon the vote of the board.
20. (Notice of Evaluation) The Editor-in-Chief will inform the submitter of the result. If revision is necessary, the Editor-in-Chief prepares a revision proposal and sends it to the submitter.
20-1. (Revision of Manuscripts) The submitter should revise the manuscript according to the revision proposal and send the revised manuscript along with the revision report to the Editor-in-Cfhief.
21. (Other) If a submitted manuscript has been accepted to be published or is later found to have been published in another academic journal, the publication will be cancelled upon the vote of the Research Ethics Committee. the KSLR restricts such person's submission of manuscripts for a certain period of time. The Editor-in-Chief must conduct KCI similarity search before confirming the publication of the revised manuscripts.
22. (Exception) All matters unspecified in the Editorial Board Guidelines will be discussed and decided by the board of directors in accordance of general practices.
Addendum 1. The Editorial Board Guidelines are established and implemented from Aug. 1, 2007.
Addendum 2. First Revision of the Editorial Board Guidelines on July 14, 2011.
Addendum 3. Second Revision of the Editorial Board Guidelines on Sept. 28, 2013.
Addendum 4. Third Revision of the Editorial Board Guidelines on Aug. 21, 2014.
Addendum 5. Fourth Revision of the Editorial Board Guidelines on Jan. 15, 2015.
Addendum 6. Fifth Revision of the Editorial Board Guidelines on Aug. 20, 2015.
[Submit manuscripts to]
Editor-in-Chief: Professor KIM Yong-Sung (Sahmyook Univ.)
Email: immanuel0115@syu.ac.kr
Email address to submit manuscripts for the journal: liteligion@syu.ac.kr