Submission Guidelines
■ Submission Guidelines for Literature and Religion ■
[Publication of the Journal]
1. The submitter may submit one's manuscript to the journal at any time. Literature and Religion is published four times a year. The deadlines of manuscript scheduled for the first, second, third and fourth issues of the journal shall be Jan. 31 (published on Mar. 31), Apr. 30 (published on June 30), July 31 (published on Sept./ 30) and Oct. 31 (Dec. 31).
[Contents of Manuscript]
2. The submitter should submit a creative manuscript with contents in the scholarly scope of literature and religion and should not send one's manuscript to two publishers at the same time for publication; or should not re-publish research if it has already been published elsewhere. A submitter is allowed to re-submit a manuscript that was designated as 'reviewed upon revisions' or 'rejected' at its first trial only once. A third submission will be automatically dismissed as 'rejected'. However, a lifetime member of the KSLR may submit a manuscript up to three times according to the decisions made by Editorial Board meetings.
[Rights to Submission]
3. It is principle that only members of the Korean Society for Literature and Religion may submit their manuscripts to the journal. Upon the recommendation of the editorial committee and the consent of the board of directors, non-members' manuscripts may be published in the journal. Except the lifetime members, all submitters should pay the annual membership fee of 60,000 won to the KSLR's bank account.
[The Length and Form of Manuscript]
4. The length of Korean manuscript is about 100 pages, on 200 square writing paper and that of foreign manuscript is about 5,000 words.
5. All submitted manuscripts should include 10-15 lines of Korean and English abstracts with 5 to 10 key words.
[Preparation of Manuscripts]
6. Submitters should follow the publication regulations and prepare their manuscripts. If their manuscripts do not follow the form, their manuscripts may be rejected regardless of the reviewers' decision.
[Manuscript Submission]
7. When submitting a manuscript, the submitter should prepare the document in a hwp file and submit it with the manuscript publication application online through the KSLR's online manuscript submission system and email the documents to the editorial board.
8. All documents and abstracts in English should be edited by native English speakers before submission.
9. To secure the fairness of reviewing process, the submitter should remove all one's identifiable remarks and name from the manuscript. In addition, the submitter should remove if the article receives financial support from any sources. The submitter may add the source of any financial support once the manuscript is accepted to be published.
10. The submitter should revise one's manuscript according to the reviewers' recommendations and submit the revision report and revised manuscript to the editorial board. If one does not agree, one should justify one's not following the revision(s) recommended by providing one's evidence and reasoning for non-compliance. If one does not reply to the reviewers' recommendations or does not revise the manuscript in accordance with the reviewers' recommendations, publication of their manuscript may be cancelled.
11. When one's article is accepted to be published, the submitter is responsible for the publication fee in the amount of 260,000 won in general and 360,000 won if the manuscript receives financial support from any sources along with the reviewing fee of 60,000 won. If the manuscript exceeds 20 pages, the submitter should pay 10,000 won per page.
12. The submitter should write one's information in English in the following example. The submitter's name should be in bold and one's information in five lines.
13. The MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing, 3rd ed., and send it as an e-mail attachment to KIM Yong-Sung(Sahmyook Univ.,
Notes on the Contributor:
KIM Hyoun-Soh is Assistant Professor of English at Sahmyook Univ. She teaches American Novel and Nineteenth-Century American Literature. She has published on Hawthorne, Melville, Emerson, Poe, and others. She is currently working on Religion and Literature in Nineteenth-Century American Literature.
[Progress of Submission Guidelines]
1. The Submission Guidelines is established and implemented as from Sept. 30, 1999.
2. First Revision of Submission Guidelines: Apr. 30, 2001.
3. Second Revision of Submission Guidelines: Feb. 14, 2006.
4. Third Revision of Submission Guidelines: Sept. 17, 2008.
5. Fourth Revision of Submission Guidelines: July 14, 2011.
6. Fifth Revision of Submission Guidelines: Sept. 28, 2013.
(In 2013, the KSLR publishes the third journal of the year on Dec. 31.)
7. Sixth Revision of Submission Guidelines: Aug. 21, 2014.
8. Seventh Revision of Submission Guidelines: Aug. 20, 2015.