The Regulations of The Korean Society for Literature and Religion
Chapter1. General Regulations
1. The association is called "The Korean Society for Literature and Religion."
2. The headquarter of the association is located at the president's workplace or his/her specified location.
3. The association is a non-profit academic association that conducts academic research, presentation, education and other related academic activities regarding literature and religion and promotes amity among the members.
Chapter 2. Members
4. Those who are interested in literature and religion may join the association as members. The members are classified as regular members, associate members and lifetime members. Regular members pay for their annual membership fees and lifetime members pay for their lifetime membership fees.
5. Any member may disaffiliate him/herself from the association on his/her accord.
6. Any member who has damaged the reputation of the association may be dismissed from his/her membership by a vote of the board of directors.
7. Regular members must pay for their annual membership fees. If not, their membership is automatically suspended. If they do not pay for their annual membership fees two consecutive years, their membership will be terminated by a vote of the board of directors. The amount of membership fees is determined at the general meeting.
8. Honorary members who have contributed to the association may be approved by a vote of the board of directors.
Chapter 3. General Meeting
9. General meeting exercises the highest voting right that approves budgets, closing accounts and business plans of the association.
10. General meeting takes place as a regular general meeting and a temporary general meeting.
11. The annual regular general meeting takes place along with the summer academic conference.
12. President may call for a temporary general meeting takes place upon the request by one-thirds of the members or a vote of the board of directors or the president.
13. Any issue at the general meeting is decided by a majority vote. When the votes are tied, president shall decide the issue.
14. President and auditors are elected at the general meeting. Those lifetime members who have sincerely served editing duty and general affair duty for a certain period of time may be nominated and elected as president.
Chapter 4. Executive Officers
15. The association has the following executive officers.
1. 1 president;
2. about 4 vice presidents;
3. about 20 secretaries;
4. about 2 auditors;
5. 5 research ethics board members and
6. advisory and counsellor.
16. Each executive officer serves a term of two years and may serve two consecutive terms (nomination and terms of the editor-in-chief follows the regulations of the editorial collective.)
17. President represents the association, handles the general business of the association, and nominates vice presidents in charge of editorial collective, conferences, research and public relations. Vice presidents aid the president; in case of the president's absence, the vice president in charge of editorial collective takes the place of the president.
18. Secretaries are nominated for the position of general secretary, secretary for conference, secretary for research, secretary for public relations, secretary for information, editorial directors and treasurers.
19. General Secretary is in charge of storing all documents, organization, contacts, academic conferences and other various works of the association.
19-1. Secretary for information is in charge of maintenance of the homepage of the association and the Korea Research Foundation related works.
19-2. Secretary for conference is in charge of academic conferences and collective publications.
19-3. Secretary for research is in charge of study groups and research project related works.
20. Treasurer oversees the overall financial affairs of the association.
21. Secretary for public relations is in charge of public relations related works.
22. Editorial Director is in charge of the publication related works of the association.
23. Auditor is in charge of auditing the finance and various activities of the association and reporting it at the general meeting.
24. President appoints advisory members from the previous presidents and senior members who are currently affiliated with their workplaces and have served for the association for a number of years.
Chapter 5. Board of Directors
25. Board of directors is consisted of president, vice presidents and secretaries and the president serves as the chair.
26. Board of directors considers and votes for the following activities of main business agenda:
1. establishing business plans, budget and closing accounts;
2. plans and proposals for academic activities;
3. publication plans for the academic journal;
4. acquisition and loss of membership;
5. revisions of the regulations;
6. amity among the members and
7. other important issues.
27. Board of directors reports important issues at the general meeting that shall be approved by the members.
Chapter 6. Finance
28. The finance of the association is supplied by membership fees, income from business activities and miscellaneous earnings.
29. Budget and closing accounts of the association shall be approved by the general meeting.
Chapter 7. Revisions of the Regulations
30. The regulations may be revised upon the discussion of the board of directors and two thirds of the votes at the general meeting.
31. All issues unspecified in the regulations is discussed and decided by the board of directors in accordance of general practices.
32. (1) The regulations take effect as from December 12, 1992. All revised regulations take effect as from the revised dates.
(2) Revision of the regulations on June 13, 1998.
(3) Revision of the regulations on November 6, 1999.
(4) Revision of the regulations on January 8, 2004.
(5) Revision of the regulations on August 5, 2009.
(6) Revision of the regulations on August 14, 2013.
(7) Revision of the regulations on August 21, 2014.
(8) Revision of the regulations on January 15, 2015.