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ISSN : 1229-5620(Print)
ISSN : 2288-7652(Online)
Literature and Religion Vol.22 No.3 pp.1-21

Humanities in the Age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Park, Byoung-jun
Sogang University


The Fourth Industrial Revolution in recent years has become a global concern. Humanities scholars have experienced the crisis of humanities due to the new wave of this revolution based on science and technology and expressed much concern. The problem is that humanities scholars themselves think ‘there is no hope for the future of the humanities.’ In any age or environment, humanities can always exert their worth when they are faithful to the human spirit that comes within our spiritual human nature. Humanities have a mission to elevate the spirit of man spiritually, making life vital. In this way, humanities heal and make people healthy; thus indeed constituting the hope of human life. What we need in the face of the uncertainty of life brought about by the Fourth Industrial Revolution is a ‘Humanities of Hope’ which expresses and becomes hope for the future. The humanities of hope, moreover, must above all become the ‘humanities of healing’ which heals the souls of human beings abused by science and technology. This will strengthen existence through a positive affirmation of existence and overcome all irregularities and impurities through the search and discovery of meaning.



