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ISSN : 1229-5620(Print)
ISSN : 2288-7652(Online)
Literature and Religion Vol.21 No.4 pp.189-222

A Study on Possession Motifs Shown in Kwang Jang of Choi In-hoon: Focused on the 1976 Edition.

Hong, Ju-young


The ideologic novel, Gwang-Jang, utilizes many mythical motifs such as the “possession” of Lee Myung Jun and the “Sea-gull.” The ‘possession’ is related with the suppressive modern civilization. The “possession” means the flood of “the Semiotic” followed by the weakened restriction of “the Symbolic.” The most important re-writing of Gwang-Jang is the transition of beloved-sea gull to daughter-sea gull. Through this adaptation, the journey of Myung-jun Lee that abandon the real world and leave beyond the world is interpreted as a pursue for the essence of life. The sea gull, “Heaven Bird” breaks the unification of “the Symbolic.” Before 1976, the Gwang-Jang was the text showing the total failure of paternal principle based on “Exchange Relation.” However, After adaptation in 1976, the meaning of the text has changed to the vitality of maternal principle based on “Donation Relation.”


