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ISSN : 1229-5620(Print)
ISSN : 2288-7652(Online)
Literature and Religion Vol.20 No.2 pp.165-181

The Joseph Narrative in the Context of Divine Providence and Its Logical Consistency

PARK Young-Won
Chungnam National University
Apr. 28, 2015 June 15, 2015 June 25, 2015


This study is an attempt to analyze a biblical narrative within the context of divine Providence and finds its logical consistency in the development of the story. The Joseph account in the Book of Genesis is not only a sacred text that perfectly fits into the whole history of salvation, but also a literary work that has an extraordinary climax and a definite conclusion. Especially, the story deals with one of the most puzzling issues both in the Bible and in our life—how human free will and divine predestination can both be true. The thematic significance of exile tells us that Joseph is abandoned partly because of his pretentious arrogance and partly because of his dreams that he would be the leader of the patriarchs. Then the evil act of free will performed by his brothers turns out to be a ground for a chain of events that eventually lead to the fulfillment of Joseph’s dreams at the end of the story. This study is an attempt to examine the issue in what is considered the most unified work of art in the Bible.

요셉의 내러티브에 나타나는 신의 섭리와 구속사의 논리적 일관성


이논문은성경속의내러티브를신의섭리라는관점에서바라보면서이야기가어떻게논리적인일관성을유지하며성경전체의틀에맞춰지는지를분석한다. 창세기에기록된요셉의이야기는기독교에서말하는구속사의중요한일부분을차지할뿐아니라, 사건의전개과정으로부터절정에이르기까지뛰어난문학적인요소를담고있는성경에서가장예술적이고완성된작품으로간주된다. 특히요셉의내러티브는신학적으로난해한주제인인간의자유의지와하나님의예정이어떻게상충하지않고상호보완적인지를보여주는대표적인이야기이다. 또형들에의해애굽에노예로팔려간요셉은추방당하는영웅으로서그가꾸었던꿈혹은꿈에나타난예언이그대로이뤄지는전형적인고대추방문학의주인공역할을한다. 여기서요셉을애굽에팔아넘긴형들의범죄가이후그들가족과애굽및주변백성들을극심한기근에서구하고요셉을애굽의총리로만드는기초를제공한다면, 인간의죄악을언약의성취로이어지게만드는하나님의섭리는세상을전지적관찰자의시점으로바라보고조정하는문학적인요소를가지고있다고말할수있다. 이런점에서이논문은요셉의내러티브를통하여인간의죄악을궁극적인선으로인도하는신의섭리를분석하고그논리적일관성을살펴봄으로써성경이야기의문학적인의미를되짚어본다



