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ISSN : 1229-5620(Print)
ISSN : 2288-7652(Online)
Literature and Religion Vol.20 No.2 pp.135-164

The One State in Zamyatin’s We: A Parody of Christian Traditions

HONG Dae-Hwa
Busan National University
May 9, 2015 June 15, 2015 June 25, 2015


The One State is a parody of the characters, motives and images from the Russian Orthodox Church traditions, which is established on the basis of the infallible Euclidean knowledge 2×2=4, ruled by the Benefactor (Jehovah) elected repeatedly every year on the Day of Unanimity (Easter) and protected by security guards (guardian angels). In the One State arrogant, disobedient and fragmented individuals, ‘Mefi’ with a disease called ‘soul’—cunning Serpents, devils, anti-Christians—are executed on the Holiday of Trial (Liturgy, the Inquisition) by torture-bell and execution machines and controlled by brain operation. This country is an earthly paradise (Heaven and the One Church), where meek and obedient citizens (Adam and Eve) eat the Coal food (bread of Christ), listen to and repeat Rules-lecture (God’s Commandments) from the speaker and live according to the schedule written on the Time Board (icons). Zamyatin, dreaming of infinite revolution, is takes side of the devils and the anti-Christians who aim for the destruction of the world of entropy and the start of a new history through the world of energy. Thus, he follows the tradition of Nietzsche, not Dostoevsky.

자먀찐의 『우리들』 의 단일제국:기독교 전통에 대한 패러디



단일제국은러시아정교교회전통에대한패러디위에구축되어있다. 단일제국은2×2=4에근거한무류한지식(신앙)에근거해만장일치의선거(부활절)를통해은혜로운분(여호와)에의해통치되며보안요원(수호천사)들에의해수호되는세계이다. 그리고이단일제국는I-330을비롯한불복종하는파편화된오만한개인인메피들, 즉‘영혼’이라는병이든사람들(교활한뱀과악마, 반그리스도교도들)이재판제(예배식, 종교재판), 수술, 가스종과처형기계로진압되고, 자유, 그림자, 욕망, 웃음이존재하지않으며, 행복과구원과미소가머무는국가이다. 이안에는선악에대한선택의짐으로부터해방되고구원을받은순진무구하고복종적인D-503과O-50과같은이들이(아담과이브) ‘우리들’로살아가며석유식품(그리스도의빵)과교리강의기(율법), 시간율법책(성상)으로일상을영위하는지상낙원(기독교의낙원이자단일교회)인것이다. 영원한혁명을꿈꾼자먀찐은엔트로피의세계를깨고새로운역사의발생을지향하는에네르기의세계, 악마와반그리스도교도의편에서있다. 그런점에서그는도스토예프스키보다는니체의전통을따르고있다.



