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ISSN : 1229-5620(Print)
ISSN : 2288-7652(Online)
Literature and Religion Vol.20 No.2 pp.107-133

A Study of Faust’s Suffering Journey through the Tragic Love with Gretchen and a Quest towards Redemption Appeared in Goethe’s Faust I —From the Perspective of Initiation by M. Eliade

CHIN Sang-Bum
Chonbuk National University
Apr. 29, 2015 June 15, 2015 June 25, 2015


This paper analyzes Goethe’s Faust I in light of M. Eliade’s theory of initiation. I have considered the cultural and theoretical foundations for the emergence structure of initiation that exists in Goethe’s Faust in relation to Goethe’s educational experiences of Homer’s Odyssey and the Christianity. In the perspective of Eliade’s theory of initiation I have analyzed the process of Faust’s suffering journey through the tragic love with Gretchen, which leads him to religious salvation.

괴테 작품 『파우스트 1부』에 나타난 파우스트의 그레트헨과의 비극적 사랑을 통한 고난의 여정과 구원의 탐색고찰—엘리아데의 성년식의 이론의 관점에서



필자는논문의분석의관점으로엘리아데의성년식의이론을도입하여괴테의작품 『파우스트1부』 에내재되어있는성년식의서사구조의성립배경을괴테의호머의『오딧세이』 와기독교의교양체험과관련하여살펴보았다. 본연구는괴테의상기한작품에등장하는주인공『파우스트』의그레트헨과의비극적사랑을체험하며고난의여정을통하여종교적구원을찾아가는탐색과정을엘리아데의성년식의이론의관점에서고찰했다. 괴테의 파우스트 작품의주인공파우스트가그와대결하고있는악마메피스토펠레스한테그의영혼을팔고관능의세계에몸을맡기고사랑이라는욕망의공간으로들어가는과정이엘리아데의입사단계에해당된다. 이번연구를통하여괴테의 파우스트 작품은주인공 『파우스트』가그리트헨과의비극적사랑을체험하면서구원을받기까지성장과정을보여주는성년식의서사구조를지닌성장드라마[Bildungsdrama]임이밝혀진셈이다.



