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ISSN : 1229-5620(Print)
ISSN : 2288-7652(Online)
Literature and Religion Vol.20 No.2 pp.87-106

Aspects of Idolatry in Jane Eyre

LEE Hye-Young
Dongshin University
May 9, 2015 June 15, 2015 June 25, 2015


The issue of idolatry is indispensable for understanding Christianity which prioritizes the love for God and the right relationship with God. The purpose of this article is to analyze Jane Eyre, the representative novel of the still Christian mid-Victorian period, from the perspective of idolatry. Various aspects of idolatry are explored in Jane Eyre, First, the theme of idolatry is distinct in Jane’s realization of the idolatrous nature of her passionate love for Rochester and in her painful struggle with her own resolution to leave him. Secondly, in Rochester’s case we can identify idolatrous issues in his spiritual dependency on Jane and extreme egocentrism. Third aspect of idolatry in the novel is where John Rivers, the minister, focuses only on outward ministerial work in place of an intimate personal relationship with God and idolizes systems such as legalism and Calvinism. From this study of Jane Eyre it can be concluded that Jane Eyre is a superb Christian novel embodying clear protestantism which emphasizes unmediated and direct relationship with God.

『제인 에어』 에 나타난 우상숭배의 양상



우상숭배문제는하나님과인간의올바른관계를최고의목적으로하는기독교의핵심이슈이다. 기독교문화권이었던19세기중반영국을대표하는소설 『제인에어』 에는여주인공제인과중심인물인로체스터, 존리버스등주요인물들의삶을통해우상숭배의다양한양상이형상화되어있다. 우상숭배의주제는우선여주인공제인의로체스터에대한낭만적이고열정적인사랑의우상숭배적본질에대한인식과그포기의고통, 극복에대한사실적인형상화에서두드러진다. 로체스터의경우에는제인에대한그의영적의존성의문제와극단적자기중심주의라는측면에서인간스스로가삶의주인이된또다른인간숭배의양상이드러난다. 존리버스목사의사례를통해서는목회사역이나율법주의, 캘비니즘등의신학체계가하나님과의친밀한관계보다앞서게된기독교인의삶의문제점과, 제인과의관계에서드러나듯이목회자가하나님과의인격적인관계에개입하는영적권위의남용이라는문제가탐구된다. 본연구의결과, 소설 『제인에어』 는하나님과한영혼의신성한관계에어떤우상적존재의개입도용납하지않고어떤영적권위자도하나님의대행자로인정하지않음으로써하나님과의직접적인인격적관계를가장소중히여기는프로테스탄티즘의기본진리를형상화한훌륭한기독교작품이라고평가된다.



