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ISSN : 1229-5620(Print)
ISSN : 2288-7652(Online)
Literature and Religion Vol.20 No.2 pp.65-86

Auditory Epiphany in E. M. Forster’s A Passage to India: The Vision of Integration Missed by Mrs. Moore

NOH Dong-Wook
Part Time Instructor at Seoul National University
May 9, 2015 June 15, 2015 June 25, 2015


Although A Passage to India written by E. M. Forster is a modern novel, the existing studies have not cast light on it in terms of narrative technique, epiphany, which has been regarded as James Joyce’s exclusive property. In the cave scene, one of the most important scenes of the novel, Mrs. Moore hears the echo of the cave, “Bou-Oum, Ou-Boum” and falls into extreme skepticism. It is necessary to examine whether Mrs. Moore’s consistent attitude toward the symbol of “Bou-Oum, Ou-Boum” with extreme skepticism and the existing criticism interpreting this as isolation and disconnection between men are both reductionist attitudes of overlooking the indirectness, polysemy, ambiguity or antinomy of the symbol. This study reads the cave’s echo, “Bou-Oum, Ou-Boum” as an epiphany to look into how the issues such as imperialism in India and the United Kingdom and the importance of individuals bound up in the problems of integration and separation are revealed through an epiphany.

E. M. 포스터의 『인도로 가는 길』 에나타난 청각적 에피퍼니:무어 부인이 놓친 통합의 비전



『인도로가는길』 은현대소설임에도불구하고기존의연구에서에피퍼니라는서술기법의측면에서는조명된적이없으며, 에피퍼니는그동안단지제임스조이스의전유물로간주되어왔다. 『인도로가는길』에서가장중요한장면중하나인동굴장면에서무어부인은동굴이내는메아리인“부-움, 우-붐”이란소리를듣고극단적인회의주의에빠지게된다. “부-움, 우-붐”이라는상징에극단적회의주의로일관하는무어부인의태도나, 이를인간간의고립과단절이라는의미로해석하는기존의비평이모두, 상징의간접성, 다의성, 그리고모순성내지는이율배반성을간과하는환원론적태도는아닌지검토해볼필요가있다. 이논문은 『인도로가는길』 에나타난“부-움, 우-붐”이라는동굴의메아리를에피퍼니로읽어냄으로써, 인도와영국의제국주의의문제, 통합과분리의문제등에얽혀있는개체의중요성의문제가에피퍼니를통해어떻게드러나는지를살펴보고자한다.



