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ISSN : 1229-5620(Print)
ISSN : 2288-7652(Online)
Literature and Religion Vol.20 No.2 pp.45-63

Literature and Religious Imagination in the Digital Age

KIM Yong-Sung
Sahmyook University
May 9, 2015 June 15, 2015 June 25, 2015


Due to the revolutionary development of digital technology, readers of literature and literary researchers could not but reconsider the modernistic definition of literature which was regarded as an essential form of art retaining ‘aura’ and ‘imagination.’ Since popular literature and various forms of art have started to draw a large amount of interest from the public by the benefit of high technology, there were a lot of efforts to understand the newly arrived digital era. Basically, literature deals with the theme of intrinsic redemption of human being, and contemporary literary works of art could effectively portray some religious ideas of human being using digital technology. However, there was not much endeavor to find a new way of studying “literature and religion” in the digital age. In the new surroundings of high technology, readers are needed to reflect on the positive meanings of ‘digital aura’ and ‘digital imagination’ which can richly portray human being’s religious mind, and prepare for the new possibilities of “literature and religio

디지털 시대 문학과 종교적 상상력



디지털기술의비약적인발전은전통적인문학과문학연구에새로운도전을제기하고있다. 그동안아우라와상상력이전통적인문학과문학연구의특권화에대한기준이되어왔으나, 최첨단컴퓨터신기술의발전으로인해일반대중문학과예술도보다높은차원의아우라와상상력을표현할수있는문화예술양식으로발전해왔다. 이에디지털시대의문학연구는문화연구로의확장을포함하는새로운형태를취할수밖에없는상황이다. 근래에디지털시대문학의존립과정체성에대한논의가이루어져왔음에도불구하고, 디지털시대의문학과종교관련논의는미진한것이사실이다. 문학이인간성에대한본질적통찰과궁극적구원의문제를다룬다는점에서종교와불가분의관계에있음에도불구하고말이다. 이제는디지털시대의각종신기술이문학을통한인간의종교적상상력을제한하기보다는오히려인간의궁극적인종교·철학적물음에대한깊이를더하고있다는점을인정할필요가있다. “디지털아우라”와“디지털상상력”은인간존재의근원과구원의문제를보다효과적으로다룰수있는무한한예술적상상력을제공하고있다. 미래의문학과종교연구는각종디지털문학과예술을섭렵하고대중과소통하는학제간연구로발전해야마땅하겠다.



