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ISSN : 1229-5620(Print)
ISSN : 2288-7652(Online)
Literature and Religion Vol.20 No.2 pp.25-44

Religious Artistry in the Digital Age and Recollective Narrative: In Search of the Lost Jesus

KIM Joseph Yosup
Kunsan National University
Apr. 19, 2015 June 15, 2015 June 25, 2015


The aim of this paper is to trace the recollective narratives or the unwritten oral traditions of the lost Jesus in the first thirty years of his life, especially around the birth of Jesus through the Apocrypha based on the oral traditions and to examine how such oral traditions have sublimated into religious artistry, especially in the form of films. It is not rare to find films portraying the unwritten history of Jesus, but it is hard to find academic papers that analyze the Christian artistry in the digital age through the Apocrypha. Human is homo narrans with an innate instinct to gossip so that it was possible for the unwritten life of Jesus to be written in the form of the Apocrypha. This paper is significant for it has prepared a starting point to trace and examine the lost Jesus in his first thirty years of life.

디지털 시대 종교예술과 기억의 서사: 잃어버린 예수를 찾아서



본논문의연구주제는기억의서사, 즉구전되어내려오던종교이야기, 특히성서에나타나있지않은잃어버린예수의30년의기록중그의탄생전후시점을구전을바탕으로쓰여진외경을통해추적하며, 이러한구전전통이오늘날의디지털시대에어떻게종교예술, 특히영화로승화되는지고찰하는데있다. 성서에기록되지않은예수의30년의행적에대한영화는그리드물지않지만, 외경을통한디지털시대기독교종교예술을분석하는연구는예가많지않다. 인간은이야기하고싶어하는본능을가지고있는호모나랜스이기에성서에기록되지않았던예수의생애에대한기록이구전을통해외경의형태로남겨질수있었다. 본논문은잃어버린예수의자취를추적하는그시발점을마련하는데그의의가있다.



