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ISSN : 1229-5620(Print)
ISSN : 2288-7652(Online)
Literature and Religion Vol.18 No.2 pp.13-42

엔도 슈사쿠의 『깊은 강』론― ‘악’의 구원의 문제를 중심으로

김 정 봉

On Deep River by Endo Shusaku: In Light of the Redemption of Evil

Jeong Bong Kim


The present thesis examines Endo Shusaku’s most representativework of his later years, Deep River, in light of the aspects of eviland its progression towards redemption.The aspects of evil in this work are primarily manifested by thefemale character, Mitsuko. Her seduction of Otsu at college whichleads to the loss of Otsu’s virginal purity depicts the evil that Sadeconceptualized as the physical degeneration of godly purity andorder. The interior of and the goddesses engraved in the BhagabatiMandir Temple that Mitsuko wanders into during her trip to Indiaare presented as internalized evil and its extreme opposite,reproduction. Mitsuko’s depiction in her hotel room as being apartfrom the other travelers is an illusion to Francois Mauriac’s ThérèseDesqueyroux, in which Thérèse chooses not to save Jesus when sheis confined in Argelouse.Ultimately, Mitsuko’s evilness is brought to redemption throughtransmigration. At one point, Misuko makes a comment to Isobe,who has come to India in search for his wife’s transmigrateddaughter. She notes that Isobe’s wife has transmigrated in his heartwhich reveals Endo’s supposition that the inner world of someonewho has affected another is revived within that other person’s worldrather than in the physical world. At the end of the story, Otsu’ssacrificial death under a false charge is predictable, being aprojection of Jesus’s crucifixion.With the redemption of evil in Mitsuko, Endo emphasize redemption through the absorption of concepts and love into anindividual person’s inner world rather than through the practice ofinstitutionalized religions or doctrines.


